Open Source Software is computer software that is distributed under a license that permits (or requires) that the source code of the software be included or accessible to users. There are many open source software licensese–some the most popular are the GNU General Public License (GPL), Apache, and BSD.
Many software developers use pieces of open source software in their projects, or want to distribute their projects under an open course license. When pieces of software code from different projects are combined, the applicable license terms may conflict, resulting in confusion for users or legal liability for developers.
We have been working with open source software since 1992.
Our principal, Nicholas D. Wells, has authored more than a dozen books about open source software topics, including several best-selling textbooks about system administration for the Linux operating system.
At Wells IP Law, we advise clients on the implications of open sources licensing, licensing strategies for software projects, interpretation of licensing terms, and working with open source development communities to achieve client goals.
We can also prepare customized open source end-user license agreements or API licenses and provide resources to assist clients with tracking open source components to avoid legal liability.